5 Reasons You Should Drink Milk Post Workout
5 Reasons You Should Drink Milk Post Workout

 It’s a fact that many weightlifters have used milk as their post workout drink. Research shows that milk can easily become a healthy replacement for any fancy sports drinks. Because this white concoction already has several vital ingredients your body really needs after a long workout. Let’s check 5 post workout benefits of milk here:


Gain muscles: Research shows a mix of slow and fast digesting protein is superior to lean body mass gains. Milk is rich in sodium and potassium which is superior to water and sports drinks in order to work for rehydration. 
Combined with all nutrients: Milk contains carbs, protein, calcium, whey, fat electrolytes and nutrients, a mixture of all the essential stuff required for your body to rehydrate. 
Helps losing fat: Regular intake of calcium makes you feel full during the day. This decreases the urge to have snacks in between meals and as a result, you will lose fat.
Recovery agent: While working out, several minerals like sodium, chloride, and potassium can be lost in your sweat. Milk rehydrates and replenishes the fluid and electrolytes lost from your body. 
Cheap and Hassle free: As we all know milk requires zero preparation. Considering the protein (whey/casein/BCAA) and the calorie content of milk, it’s one of the cheapest foods available. 
